Posted on Monday 6th December, 2021

Miami Relay Meet Summary

The QMM Relay Meet went off really well last Saturday — largely thanks to the wonderful team of helpers. From rising early to fence off a carpark that our old friends, Hutchison Builders had provided, to buying ice and picking up the food for our drinks afterwards, our helpers were an enthusiastic bunch all afternoon. Our Check Starters in the self-marshaling area, the Help Desk, the many people and clubs timekeeping, Officials, Announcer and Control Room staff managing the timing system and recording the results were all wonderful.

The swimming was fantastic and many records were broken! In particular, our amazing Miami champions: Denise Robertson, Margie Fittock, Margie Watts and Carole Simpson. After breaking a World Record in June this year, they backed it up by smashing another two in the space of just an hour – they were spectacular! Denise then lined up again in the last event to pick up another National Record, and only just missing yet another World time.

All Queensland and Australian Masters clubs were invited to join in and attempt to break some records. This was also a great opportunity to witness a couple of Miami relay world record attempts. Miami, Barbarians, Toowoomba, the University of Queensland, and the newly formed Southport Masters club with some talented young swimmers all fielded teams to take on the challenge. The competition was ferocious in most events with a few great finishes.

There were 18 Queensland, 13 Australian, and two World records broken in the space of the two hour meet. Congratulations to all swimmers – a great team effort!

Our thanks to Vanessa Teece for the event photography. 


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Records Broken