Posted on Monday 13th March, 2023

UQ Masters Meet Summary 2023

The UQ Masters Short Course Meet was held at the Stuartholme pool on Sunday 5 March 2023. The day was warm and sunny, and 183 swimmers from 32 clubs arrived keen to warm up and race in this fabulous 14 lane short course pool. We welcomed swimmers from our southeast Queensland clubs, as well as from New Zealand, Tasmania, Sydney, Canberra, Townsville, Coffs Harbour, Bundaberg and Maryborough.

MSQ President, Susanne Milenkevich, opened the meet, with moving words to honour two recently lost members, Peter Michaelson from Warringah Masters in Sydney who swam at this meet 12 months ago and at the recent Pan Pacific Masters Games, and also John Crisp from Miami Masters.

Racing kicked off at 9:30am, with unlimited entries and all events on offer from 25m to 400m. It was great to have our first short course hit out for the year, with this meet being potentially the only Queensland meet where a 400m short course event can be swum in a pool. With $10 on offer for every record broken, there were plenty eager to leave their mark!

Swimmers were also excited to showcase the Men and Women in separate events. Congratulations to all involved in running the meet. The marshaling, announcing, timekeeping, and officiating ran smoothly. Thanks to all swimmers for being ready to race and self-marshaling so effectively.

Thank you to all clubs and swimmers for supporting the UQ Masters Meet, and we hope you enjoyed your time with us, and managed to post some pleasing times.


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