Posted on Thursday 11th June, 2020

Tadpoles Out of Water

The Toowoomba Tadpoles have had 12 weeks without being able to swim at the Glennie Aquatic Centre and only resumed on Monday this week. The AGM was held the day before the pool closed and the new committee has been very involved keeping contact with the members and ensuring the Fitness Friendship and Fun continues.

Our president, publicity officer, secretary and newsletter editor have ensured that members were kept up to date on all important information using Facebook, Instagram, emails, Zoom meetings, newsletters and even posted mail to those without electronic access.

We used the “out of water” time to spend grant money and have our club room floor covering replaced, and had some fun shifting and sorting (while keeping our 1.5m distance).

President Shayne And Secretary Trudy Choosing Carpet

During this time, we have also designed, ordered and received club togs.

Tadpole Togs

We held a Virtual Dryland Challenge (similar to a competition run by Masters Swimming NSW). Members were encouraged to register and participate in activities, sending supporting evidence (photos/ video/etc) and points gained over a 4 day period. Activities were mostly involving exercise like walking, bike riding, yoga, duathlon, workout, but also ring another member or send in a photo or video of swim related activities. There were some very creative submissions for the video.  We didn’t know we had such diverse talent among our members! Some members contributed articles for the mini newsletters and we even had a humorous “Dr T help line” running.

Dr T’s Helpline

We are very glad to be returning to the pool (albeit with limitations) and to resume our swimming with our great club members.

Sue Walker (QTW Newsletter Editor)