Sunny States 2021
By Kathy Watt, QMM Miami Masters
The States had rolled around again, after months of Covid scare.
The troops, they rallied round our club, about forty-three were there.
The first to mount the starting blocks, were bodies kind to the eye.
With muscles rippling taut and strong: almost makes us oldies cry.
But as we progressed through the heats, we saw a slight decline,
Saggy boobs and low-slung bums, with wrinkles and bumps combine.
For years it’s been the aim of all, to make the very last heat,
Reversal meant our wish came true, though now we’re not so fleet.
Doesn’t matter what heat we’re in, or whether we’re fast or slow.
Better than stuck in a rocking chair: we’re out there having a go.
We’ve got reconstructed bodies and pacemakers galore.
Old faithfuls lined up readily, to make a brave encore.
We’re there to help each other out, the girls need an extra tug,
To get into those racing togs, that fit so tight and snug.
Still some budgie smugglers around and some of you boys looked great:
Know when you should abandon them – be warned there’s a use by date.
Some struggle to mount the starting block: there’s always a helping hand.
Those who can’t hear the starting gun, get a gentle tap on demand.
New members joined in the spirit and gloried in success,
Hopefully they’re addicted now, for they surely did impress.
We work as a team and pull our weight, laugh and enjoy the day.
The young and mature intermingle and when we’re swum out, we play.
Our Kim is always there for us, encouraging to the end.
A coach so wise, so knowledgeable: our anchor, our buddy, our friend.
The relays were stupendous, we were champions in the field,
Our swimmers romped the point score in, and Miami won the shield.
So, to all our lovely members who drove to the Sunny Coast,
You all helped to make Miami, a club about which we can boast.